Website Policies

Privacy Linking

Your Privacy

I do not collect personal information at this website. I do not sell or otherwise make available personal information, such as email addresses, which we may receive as a result of your contacting me. I don't like it when other people to it to me, so I feel I shouldn't do it to you.

Paypal will handle my online financial transactions. I receive from Paypal just the information necessary to complete the transaction-I do NOT receive information about your account.

I do not send email to anyone who has not contacted me via email or otherwise specifically requested it.

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Linking Policy

I encourage you to link to my homepage at Please do not link to any interior pages. I am trying to keep to a minimum anything that would interfere with the free use of these pages.  Bypassing this page interferes with that use. You may disagree, but these are my pages and you don't get a vote. More to the point, you agree to my terms when you use these pages. If you link to any page other than this page without my verifiable written  permission, you agree to pay $100 for every time someone visits a page on this site, other than the homepage, from your link. If you do not voluntarily disclose verifiable information on the number of visitors when asked, you agree that the minimum fee you will be responsible for is $5000. Furthermore, you agree that New Mexico law will apply and that New Mexico has jurisdiction. You also agree to pay for attorney's fees and collection costs. The act of linking to any page on this site constitutes agreement with these terms. The notice of the existence of a policy page is right at the top of the homepage, so you can't say you didn't know.

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© 2006 Scott Hedrick

This page was last updated 10/20/06 10:12:27 PM